Research work

The Institute of Entrepreneurship mission determines:

« To promote enterprising young people in developing the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies for successful entrepreneurial activity»

The purpose of science and information technology

 To develop and enhance the intellectual and scientific potential of the Institute through a proactive creative heads of graduate departments and implementation of innovative approaches in information support of educational and research activities of professors teaching staff and specialists.

The  research work conducted on the topic :

“The perfection entrepreneurship in transitive economy “,

” The content and methods of training specialists trends in the development of entrepreneurship “,

” The role and place of small and medium business in the sphere of goods production and services “

The institute publishes “The Institute of entrepreneurship news” bulletin twice a year. By order of Higher Attestation Commission of June 19, 2015 № 156 the bulletin is included in the list of scientific publications of the Republic of Belarus for the publication of dissertation research results. Also every year the institute publishes a collection of scientific papers named “Economic education and modern educational technology. Economy and Entrepreneurship”, hold scientific and practical conferences – the formation experience and development prospects for the entrepreneurship in Belarus. Based on research findings the institute staff publishes monographs, textbooks and manuals with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.