
International educational project of Institute of business activity and
Kursk institute of management, economy and business


Magistracy on a preparation direction 080200 Management

Studies take place in multimedia and computer  classes with use of modern educational programs and online technologies. The course is provided by candidates and doctors of science.

Area of professional activity of masters:

  • organizations of any organizational and legal form (commercial, noncommercial, state, municipal) in which graduates work as performers or heads in various fields of management;
  • bodies of state and municipal management;
  • structures in which graduates are develop their own business;
  • research organizations, connected with the solution of administrative problems;
  • higher educational establishments of post-graduate , vocational courses.

Objects of professional activity of masters

  • management of various organizational and legal forms of the organizations;
  • processes of the public and municipal administration;
  • research processes;

Training in a magistracy it is prestigious and interesting, and
also it is an excellent base for further successful career